Yes, Prop 213 applies to all drivers in California, regardless of whether they have insurance or not.

Yes, there are several exceptions to Prop 213. These include cases involving individuals who were driving under the influence, driving a commercial vehicle, or engaging in illegal activities at the time of the incident.

Does Prop 213 apply to all drivers in California?

Yes, Proposition 213 applies to all drivers in California, irrespective of whether they have insurance coverage or not. This means that anyone involved in a motor vehicle accident within the state is subject to the provisions outlined in Prop 213, which restrict the recovery of certain damages under specific circumstances.

Proposition 213, also known as the "Personal Responsibility Act of 1996," was passed by California voters as a ballot initiative. Its primary purpose was to limit the recovery of non-economic damages for uninsured or underinsured drivers involved in motor vehicle accidents. This limitation is imposed regardless of fault or the severity of the injuries sustained.

Under Prop 213, uninsured or underinsured drivers are generally barred from recovering non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, even if they were not at fault for the accident. This restriction is intended to discourage individuals from driving without insurance and to ensure that responsible drivers who maintain insurance coverage are not burdened with additional costs resulting from uninsured motorists.

Are there exceptions to Prop 213?

Yes, there are several exceptions to Proposition 213 that allow injured parties to recover non-economic damages despite the limitations imposed by the law. These exceptions are designed to address specific circumstances where the application of Prop 213 may be deemed unjust or unfair.

Some of the key exceptions to Prop 213 include:

a. Cases involving driving under the influence (DUI): If the at-fault driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident, Proposition 213 does not apply. In such cases, injured parties may still pursue claims for non-economic damages, regardless of their insurance status.

b. Cases involving illegal activities: If the injured party was engaged in illegal activities at the time of the accident, Prop 213 may not apply. However, the specifics of this exception can vary depending on the nature of the illegal activity and its relationship to the accident. In general, engaging in illegal activities that directly contribute to the occurrence of the accident may limit or preclude recovery of non-economic damages under Prop 213.

It's important to note that while these exceptions provide opportunities for injured parties to recover non-economic damages in certain circumstances, navigating the complexities of Proposition 213 and its exceptions often requires legal expertise. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can help individuals understand their rights and options for pursuing compensation following a motor vehicle accident in California.